Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Don't Mess with a Diva
That new Brawny commercial has been bugging me from the moment I saw it. Have you seen that shit? Is it just me?!? At first I thought it was just the creepy animated lumberjack singing "Lean On Me". I mean, what kind of song is that to sell some paper towels? Turns out it was more than the kitsch that was bothering me - it was my Diva psychicness kicking in (Yes, I said psychicness). I investigated my hunch and found out that Georgia-Pacific is Brawny's parent company. They have been pissing me off for a while now.
Last winter, Dixie started advertising their new line of disposable paper coffee cups. Really?!? That's the hot new product you want to trot out when everybody knows that the hottest thing you can do is bthenewgreen? I'll give you one guess as to which dumb-ass company is behind that stroke of genius. Yep - good ol' GP. Well Diva Zero is taking it personally and you should too. Not just because using your own reusable mugs and cups is one of the easiest, most cost-effective and chic things you can do for the environment and GP is actively opposing your steeze. Not just because there are so many viable alternatives and the unnecessary use of paper products is stupid and wasteful. Not even just because I said so (and if I'm saying that then you know its deep). Here's why you should take it personally: Georgia-Pacific is insulting you.
It may seem to be a remote exercise at first - you know our first thought is always "what's that got to do with me?" Well, GP might as well be in all up in your face, snappin' on yo mama - it's that serious. I don't know about you, but nobody talks about my mama and gets away with it! GP is insulting our intelligence by attempting to mask their blatant disregard for the environment with platitudes and eco-buzzwords. They state on their website that "Georgia-Pacific works to create products that improve people's lives, to use resources wisely, actively engage in our communities, and contribute to society by being a prosperous business. We call it being sustainable." Well, I call it being out for self. And that's okay, but not at any cost. And if all you care about is profit, fine. Just don't call it sustainability.
They actually have the nerve to have a "Sustainability Report," which includes their philosophy: "We recognize that sustainability means different things to different people." So to clarify, they give us their definition of sustainability: "Georgia-Pacific defines sustainability as 'meeting the needs of society today without jeopardizing our ability to do so in the future'." Translation: "We don't give a shit what happens as long as we are able to make money now and are still making money later." Luckily I had my dickhead to Diva dictionary handy. Listen - sustainability does not mean different things to different people. It means what it means. It is the capability to endure and the ability to survive and thrive in perpetuity. You either commit to doing your best to contribute positively to that or you don't. Georgia-Pacific doesn't. And the fact that they are perpetratin' really sticks in my craw.
GP makes a lot of products, but for the individual consumer their brands include: Angel Soft Toilet Paper, Brawny Paper Towels, Dixie Cups & Tableware, Quilted Northern Toilet Paper, Sparkle Paper Towels and Vanity Fair Napkins. There is so much more these fools have to say that insults our collective intelligence - take a look at their website for yourself and tell me what you think. In the meantime..........I declare a BOYCOTT. Join me, won't you?
This ain't over,
Diva Zero
Catch my chic.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Recycling (Not So) Basics - Part 2
Before we get into the story behind plastics, allow me to clarify a few things. Actually by clarifying one thing, I can clarify all things. And here's the thing: Diva Zero is just like you - when it comes to being green anyway. I've been cute and right since 1974 so I've got that on lock. I am cute because that is what God intended, but I am right because I am always learning. I am leading you on your eco-journey toward better living and better style, and being a leader means being willing to update your information and make changes accordingly. I've learned a thing or two in the last month, so read closely and we can update our information together:
1. In my last post, I stated that sticky notes cannot be recycled due to their adhesive strips. That is actually only half of the story. Brand name Post-it Notes are completely recyclable! There is nothing wrong with buying on the cheap - ahem, economically - but Black Is The New Green cannot vouch for the quality or recyclability (yeah, I said it) of the adhesives used in those less expensive products. I mean, George's fiancee on Seinfeld died because of cheap glue...I'm just sayin'. Anyway, go to to see how Post-its have always been environmentally friendly. In even more exciting news, go to to find out how Post-it will plant a tree for every eligible product purchased.
2. In "You Know You What They Say About Big Feet..." I railed against take out containers. I stand by the principle that you should eat out less - our goal is to reduce consumption and reduce our impact on the earth - but if/when you do eat out, there is still a little bit of hope. Some containers are recyclable even if they are Styrofoam or plastic. It all depends on the type of plastic and the area you live in. Read on...
Recycling plastic is just a numbers game. And you're not opposed to playing the lottery, so don't act like you can't figure this shit out. But since your numbers haven't hit yet, maybe you do need some here is Diva Zero's handy dandy guide:
Number 1 (PET or PETE) plastic is the most common. It is found in water bottles, soda bottles, and vegetable oil containers. All recycling programs should accept these. If your city's recycling program doesn't take these then you seriously need to write a letter. I'll even write it for you - just let me know.
Number 2 (HDPE) plastic is found in milk jugs, juice bottles, shampoo bottles and cereal box liners among other things. Number 2 is also very common and should be accepted in most places.
Number 3 (Vinyl or PVC) is tough. This is used in everything from clear food packaging to siding and pipes. PVC contains dangerous dioxins. Even if you ain't got time to figure out what exactly a dioxin is, you know it doesn't sound good! Some plastic cooking utensils are made of this material so don't use them to cook with, don't microwave food in plastic containers, and don't put this material in the dishwasher. The heat will make the toxins and dioxins leach into your food and onto your other dishes. Eww.
Number 4 (LDPE) is used for squeezable bottles and frozen food trays. This is also the material used in plastic grocery bags. More and more curbside recycling programs and recycling centers are accepting Number 4 plastic, but if they don't, many grocery stores are taking it upon themselves to take back plastic grocery bags for recycling. You should be using your own reusable bags and totes, but take advantage of this for bags you had before you made the choice to bthenewgreen.
Number 5 (PP) is found in some yogurt containers, medicine bottles, and containers that hold hot liquid. It's a hard plastic which makes it hard to recycle but don't let this stop you from checking.
Number 6 (PS) plastic is used for most disposable products including plates, egg cartons, and carry out containers. "Styrofoam" is actually a trademark name, not a generic material name, and it does fall into the Number 6 category. Number 6 material is fairly difficult to recycle, but it is becoming more common, so check to see if your area is hip to this yet.
Number 7 covers all other miscellaneous plastics. Everything from nylon to sunglasses to iPod cases fall into this category. Because Number 7s are such a hodgepodge, they have not traditionally been accepted for recycling. But the times, they are a-changin'! Number 7 plastic can now be recycled!
So there you have it - a crash course in plastics. Remember to always look at the side or the bottom of your plastic containers to see what you're workin' with. The basic rule of thumb is that the lower the number, the easier it is to recycle. Next, familiarize yourself with the recycling regulations in your 'hood. To find out what is accepted in your area, go to
I am proud to say that Baltimore, Maryland has become a leader in the realm of recycling. Not only do we have a comprehensive curbside pick-up schedule and single stream recycling (all materials go in the same bin), but our fair city accepts all of the plastics 1 through 7. So if you are one of my good neighbors you have no excuse to be a B-Moron who doesn't recycle. Be better, be cooler and bthenewgreen!
To learn more about recycling plastic and what your plastics can be remade into, go to
Hmmm, what about all those maxed out credit cards? Check out . This company also accepts old ID cards and expired gift cards. You can recycle your economic waste in a way that is safe and responsible for your identity, your credit, and our earth.
So what materials are accepted in your 'hood?
Diva Zero
Catch my chic.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Recycling (Not So) Basics - Part 1
Diva Zero has been on your ass for a while now to recycle. It is one of every Diva's "must dos" and every Fella's "should dos" and I made it all sound soooo easy, right? Well, it is easy. For me. But I realized that some of you dolls need extra help. As usual, I've got the answers, so read on.
Recycling reduces the need for landfills, prevents pollution, saves energy and conserves resources. Did you know you had that much power in your hot little hands?!? Use your power for good by getting your recyclables to the right place at the right time. That isn't always the simplest thing to figure out, but don't worry - I've done most of the work for you. Just find your level of commitment below and get going.
EASY: No effort at all.
Nice try - ain't nothin' of worth that easy, boo.
MEDIUM: Kick it to the curb (you know you know how to do that!)
All of the items on this list are accepted by most city curbside programs.
Paper. This includes newspapers, magazines and copy paper, but don't sleep on all that other paper you use. Product packaging counts too. From soap to medicine to food - even the center of the toilet paper and paper towel rolls - there is plenty of clean paper and cardboard you can be recycling. Paper also includes phone books. When did they start automatically delivering phone books to our doors and why are they still doing it? Like that cole slaw on my plate when I order a cheeseburger - I didn't ask for it, but whoomp, there it is! Opt-out of automatically receiving phone books at
Glass bottles and aluminum cans. This includes all your wine, beer, liquor, soda, etc. And good news - you don't have to waste water by rinsing out all of these items. Recycling centers are equipped to accept slightly dirty containers. So no pressure to eat the worm from that tequila bottle. But you know you want to.
Metal Hangers*. Some areas accept these curbside. Who knew?!
EMPTY aerosol cans**. Aerosol used to be such a horror for the environment, but industry-wide changes have been made so now you can have your oil sheen and recycle it too.
HARD: This takes heart.
These items are not accepted in curbside programs, but there are programs to get the job done. Go hard and take them to your local hazardous waste facility, drop-off center, or use the resources listed here.
Crayons. 60 tons of crayons are made every day out of petroleum based wax. 60 tons! If you are a teacher, parent, participate in recycling crayons here:
Tennis Shoes. Nike used to be the only one in the game, but now you have choices:
Batteries. Find where to locally recycle alkaline batteries at For rechargeable batteries go to
Wine Corks. Find your local drop-off location at Your area may not have a drop-off location, but you can frequent restaurants that participate in this program. The restaurant Cork & Fork in Bethesda, MD recycles their corks and more restaurants need to follow suit!
Cassette Tapes. Go ahead and let Kid 'n Play go. It ain't gonna hurt nobody. Best Buy will take all your wack tapes as well as CDs, DVDs and other electronics. Go to for details.
*Metal hangers. For areas that don't take these curbside, you can take them to drop-off centers or take them back to the dry cleaner for reuse.
**Aerosol cans. If aerosol cans are not empty, they are considered hazardous waste and need to be disposed of accordingly.
You may feel guilty (good - that's progress!) but if you try to include items that are not actually recyclable, you run the risk of f'ing up the whole batch. Try to be slick and all the real recyclables you contaminated will go to the landfill. Talk about counterproductive. So don't even try to recycle these items:
*Pizza boxes. Its the oil. It makes it impossible to process into clean paper
* Post-its. The adhesive strip is problematic.
*Plastic bottle caps. Although you can't recycle these, Aveda collects them and uses them for packaging of new products. Go to for instructions.
* Wet paper. When paper fibers get wet they get shorter and harder to recycle.
* Dirty napkins and paper towels. The paper is okay - the nasty messes you used them for are not.
* Disposable coffee cups. We covered this in the last post - are you even paying attention?!
Want to know what else to recycle? Go to And when you can't recycle, REUSE! Go to for smashing ideas from our friends across the pond.
In the next post, Diva Zero will talk plastics. Depending on the type, plastic falls into the medium, hard and don't even categories.
Seriously - plastic is a whole 'nother story. And I'm just the Diva to tell it.
Stay tuned...
Diva Zero
Catch my chic.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Go Shorty, It's Your Earth Day...
Today is Earth Day (Forty and Fabulous) but by now I should not be telling you anything you don't already know. And actually (you should already know this too) April is Earth Month, but like Black History Month - why acknowledge it for just a month when it affects your entire life?
Black is the New Green is a lifestyle and we need to make some lasting changes. If I know you - and I'm pretty sure I do - you are still being hard-headed and asking what being green can do for you. Well we have established that you can be madsexycool like Diva Zero once you decide to bthenewgreen. Even better than that, you can save cash, be healthier, and save natural resources.
If you reduce your use of paper, electricity and gasoline of course you are going to save money - duh! But when you start thinking that recycling is a pain in the ass, think about this - there is only so much room in a landfill. When landfills get full of your trash, new ones have to be built and guess who pays for that? You, the taxpayer. And not even Barack can help us get around that one. (Yeah, I call him Barack. We go way back - that's how we roll...)
Not convinced? Still think recycling is a pain in the ass? Ok then, precycle. It's easy - don't buy things you don't need, don't buy things that can't be used for a long time and don't buy things that come in a lot of packaging. And while we're at it, don't buy things you can't afford. That ought to take care of most of the problem right there. So now you've helped the environment and your wallet. Bonus: If the bank doesn't have to send you those pesky overdraft notices, you'll save even more paper from being wasted!
If you know me (and a lucky few actually do), you know I am no leaf-eating, tree-hugging health nut. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But being healthy and living green doesn't mean you have to grow your own food and live in a tree. All of the noxious elements you allow into your home - and subsequently into your body - via toxic cleaning supplies, pesticides on (and in) your food, and chemicals in your beauty products, all affect your overall health. And I don't know about y'all, but Diva Zero needs her strength for kicking ass.
Now let's talk about saving natural resources. Why should we do that? Do it for the kids! The concept of legacy is central to the African American experience. Our history is rife with conflict, tragedy and, most importantly, triumph. From enduring slavery to overcoming it, from discrimination, degradation and segregation to taking our rightful, equal place in society, our ancestors have always fought so that we all could have a better life. People died so that you could be free, get an education, and vote. All I'm saying is that the least you can do is reduce your carbon footprint so that those who come after you can enjoy the Earth too. Do it to keep your Black card.
There are plenty more incentives (and trust me dolls, we will eventually get to all of them) but the bottom line is this: If you are at all fond of breathing freely and having access to clean water, you need to bthenewgreen.
Speaking of what green can do for you, go to for freebies and coupons - most deals are good through the end of the month. Get your free stuff and then celebrate by committing to bthenewgreen.
Happy Earth Day, people.
Go 'head and party,
Diva Zero
Catch my chic.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
You Know What They Say About Big Feet...
Diva Zero is here to settle this once and for all. YES. It is true what they say about big feet! If you are leaving a big footprint, then you really are a huge dick!
Carbon footprint that is.
What did you think I was talking about?
Ok, get your mind out of the gutter and wrap it around this - according to Wikipedia (yes, I did extensive research!) , a carbon footprint is the "total set of greenhouse gases emissions (GHGs) caused by an organization, event or product". But you know me well enough by now to know who it's all about so it's no surprise that I wanted to know what the hell that had to do with me. Well, what I found out is that GHGs are made up of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane. That's the bougie way of saying that the amount of energy I use, my choice of food and the amount of trash I generate all directly affect global warming. And we've already established that a Diva don't like it hot. Or cold. And global warming makes both of those conditions happen so do your part to help a sista out.
You don't have to be an organization, event or product to leave a carbon footprint. You don't even have to be somethin' like a phenomenon like me. Regular people have a carbon footprint too, and we've all got to do better. Black is the New Green and we've got to start playing our position. This is one area we don't need Black people taking pride in being bigger than everyone else. (And while we're on the subject, sometimes it's false pride. Girls, can I get an Amen?!)
Once upon a time, I went to and calculated my own carbon footprint. I'm telling you, this website keeps it 100. Its like that guy you go out with just because he asks you all about yourself. He gets you going on and on about yourself and the next thing you know you're looking at his shoes and trying to give him a tight hug to assess the, umm, situation. After you spill your guts and spell out your whole routine, this website tells you exactly what your impact on the environment is by my favorite method - shame. It says "If everyone on the planet lived my lifestyle, we would need [insert number here] Earths".
Yes dolls, when I saw my number, even I had some work to do. Sure, I was already recycling, but I soon realized that I had to stop eating out four days a week and ordering takeout on the other three. Not only was I making someone waste gas and put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere just to import ingredients from who knows where to cook and deliver my dinner, but my refrigerator was a styrofoam container graveyard! And even the places that have stopped using styrofoam, still use plastic or paper. We all know to stay away from plastic, but we tend to think that paper is fine. I used to think that the paper cups from the coffee shop weren't hurting anything. But, no. The kind of paper used to keep your food from seeping through and to keep your coffee from leaking is coated with a thin layer of plastic that prevents it from being recyclable. Shame on you, Starbucks. So in addition to my reusable coffee cup, I now cook at home more often. That was a tough change for a Diva to make, but wearing a sexy apron and stilettos while stirring helps me keep my swagger. And I invite my man over so I always know what I'm having for dessert.
Calculate your carbon footprint at A word of warning - just like your scale after the holidays or the "talk" on your third date - you're probably not going to like your number. But don't worry, just like Diva Zero, this site then proceeds to break it down. It will tell you exactly where you are fucking up and how to fix it. And out of all of your numbers, this is the one you can most easily decrease. So check out the site, figure out where you stand and start putting your own practices in place to decrease your carbon footprint and stop being such a big dick.
Size does matter,
Diva Zero
Catch my chic.
Friday, April 2, 2010
For The Fellas
Now we know what every Diva must do for the environment, but you didn't think I was going to forget about the men did you? Relax - I've got advice for everyone, but the woman always comes first.
Five Things Every Man Should Do for the Environment*
1. Care.
A wise fictional character once said "If your genitals are on the outside, you must be hiding something on the inside." Karen Walker may have been drunk and/or high, but wise nevertheless. Don't worry boys, you can buck the stereotype. Listen up: Caring is sexy. Do it. If only because a sexy woman is telling you to.
2. Recycle.
More specifically, carry your woman's recycling out for her. If you live together, do it before she asks you to. Flex those muscles, show off and make her grateful. Good things happen when a woman is grateful. If you don't live together, learn her neighborhood's recycling pick-up schedule. My man learned my schedule and he shows up on recycling days with a cardboard box and a smile. He reaps many benefits. (Okay, I reap the benefits too - my man is good!!!) The point is, you know you're already tracking her menstrual cycle - the recycling schedule is sexier. And more predictable.
3. Learn.
Nerds are hot, dummies are not. Chances are your girl already knows more about the environment than you do, so at the very least you need to bring yourself up to her level. If you think you already know enough, you're wrong. The environment is like your woman's pleasure: there is always more to discover and if you get lazy and complacent it may not be there when you need it. Go ahead and take either one for granted - the damage is irreversible.
4. Give.
Give environmentally friendly gifts whenever possible, especially to your woman. These items can be incredibly affordable and are classic "it's the thought that counts" fodder. Give your woman cute reusable shopping bags, an adorable coffee mug for work or buy CFL bulbs and then take your shirt off and replace all the bulbs in her house. If you're really Mr. Big Stuff, buy her an energy efficient appliance. Anything from a programmable thermostat to an Energy Star water heater would do the trick. Send the message that not only do you care about the environment, you care about her environment. I've already told you what happens when a woman is grateful. And to really seal the deal, add a whisper of "I want to leave the world a better place for our children." (Be careful with this one though. If you're not ready for those children then you'll create a shitload of other problems!)
5. Share.
Tell all your boys, your family, your coworkers - tell every other man you know about these tips. You will help create a better world and better relationships. And they will all think you are the smartest guy they know. Try on Black is the New Green - better living through being better than everyone else.
* Some of you gals may be wondering why there are ten things a Diva must do and only five things a man should do. Well the burden always falls on us, doesn't it ladies? Just kidding! First of all, nice attention to detail - I'm glad you noticed. Second of all, think about it - in five short steps, we've gotten him to do half of our "must-dos" for us! That is what being a Diva is all about - work it smarter and you ain't gotta work it harder. You're getting free labor, gifts and better sex all for the greater good. And no, I didn't tell him to buy our fuel-efficient car for us - don't get greedy, bitch.
Don't get it twisted,
Diva Zero
Catch my chic.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Countdown to Earth Hour
I know you read the last post and you are kind of convinced, but now you are wondering what on earth (haha - get it?) you are going to do in the dark for an hour. Well, I have the answers yet again. Here is Diva Zero's Top Ten Countdown of What to Do in the Dark:
10. Take a nap. One of my favorite pastimes, light or dark.
9. Pray. I know for most of you this will take about 30 seconds. How about you spend the rest of the time repenting? That should take up the next 59 1/2 minutes and then some, you sinners...
8. Use a flashlight or candle and make shadow puppets on the wall. Extra points for the dirty ones!
7. Write your 25 Random Facts for your Facebook profile. I don't usually endorse Facebook, but I'm willing to overlook how much it sucks just this once. What the hell - it's for the Earth!
6. Walk around your neighborhood and pass judgment on people who still have their lights on. I know you think you can take everyone but don't do this one alone - safety first! And if you're going around saying "I can take 'em", you probably can't.
5. Play with camera. Take funky pictures in the dark with the flash on. Who knows - you could be a talented photographer on par with Jamila Sams or Warren Grant! Nah, you're not that good. (Don't believe me? Check out and Fabulous.)
4. Write a heartfelt message to me about how my commitment to the environment has inspired you and changed your life. I know how important I have become to you, but it would be nice to hear it from you for a change.
3. Write a nasty message to me about how bored you are for an hour in the dark. Not recommended.
2. Prepare your rebuttal for when I tell you what a boring person you are that you couldn't entertain yourself for an hour in the dark. I'm telling you - number 3 is not recommended. If you choose to do it, you will get your feelings hurt.
1. Have sex. It's not rocket science, people!!! (By the way, no need to thank me or tell me about this one.)
So what are you doing for Earth Hour? I wouldn't ask if I didn't really want to know...
Holla back,
Diva Zero
Catch my chic.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Earth Hour 2010
Earth Hour is coming up on Saturday, March 27, 8:30pm-9:30pm, local time. Haven't heard of it? Shame on you. But never fear, Diva Zero is here to break it down.
What - This is an initiative started by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and it is a global call to action to impact climate change. I know - what does wildlife have to do with climate change? Well, geniuses, climate change affects us and we are animals, right? (Some more than others, but that is an entirely different blog.) And just imagine all those polar bears struggling to stay on ever-shrinking islands of ice. Awww!
It doesn't matter where you come down on the issue of animal rights. Whether you love 'em, hate 'em or just love their meat, fur or skin, we all agree that we need animals around. WWF has taken the lead on this important issue that ultimately benefits you and other wild things.
How - Turn all your lights and other electrically-powered anythings off for one hour. When Earth Hour started three years ago in Sydney, Australia, turning the lights off in one city for one hour had the equivalent effect of taking 48,000 cars off the road! Now, nearly one billion people from 4,100 cities in 87 countries on all seven continents participated last year and, with your help, Earth Hour 2010 can be even bigger. And you've always wanted to be important.
Where - During past Earth Hours, landmarks including the Golden Gate Bridge, Empire State Building, Eiffel Tower and Great Pyramids have gone dark alongside the city skylines of San Francisco, New York, Paris, and Cairo. To see it for yourself, check out this video: (Go ahead - it will take less than 3 minutes of your life and you know you ain't doing anything anyway!)
When - Saturday, March 27, 8:30pm-9:30pm, local time. I said that already - come on people, pay attention!
Why - Because I said so. If you need more of a reason than that, go to to find out what a big difference you can make. But seriously, I thought we were past that by now - my word should be good enough.
Who - You, bitches!
So go ahead and turn those lights off. Because honestly - wouldn't it be nice if, just for once, your lights went out by choice and not because your triflin' ass didn't pay the bill?
I'll see you in the dark,
Diva Zero
Catch my chic.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
What Every Diva Must Do
Diva Zero promised to be there for you and here I am. Black is the New Green starts - as all great styles do - with a set of high quality basics. For many of my girls, going green is like jumping into a hot bath. And nobody likes a burnt...toe. So, let's just ease into it, shall we?
Ten Things Every Diva Must Do For the Environment
1. Use reusable bags for shopping.
2. Drive a fuel-efficient car.
3. Walk more.
4. Use a coffee mug.
5. Use a water filter.
6. Use CFL light bulbs.
7. Wash your laundry in cold water and hang it to dry.
8. Observe Earth Day every day.
9. Recycle.
10. Tell everyone you know to do the first 9 things.